Departmental representation of productivity varies based on roles. CEO’s are typically interested in Revenue and Census. CFO’s pay attention to cost in an effort to determine value. Finance/Accounting is interested in Accounts Receivable, Accruals, broken into many different structures depending on Cost/Profit Centers or General Ledgers. Physician Services and Department Heads are interested in provider charge productivity, as well as Residency Directors (have to hit the 1800 visits by year 3). Grant Writers are interested in patient demographics by ICD/CPT. Suffice it to say, the ability for dynamic information services, represented in a medium defined by each department will result in accurate deliverables with defined data elements. We excel in customizing Information Services to satisfy these requirements.
We also develop relationships with the providers within each of the Departments we bill for. There are specialty changes, trends, teaching opportunities related to charting and coding that can reflect positively in revenue. Working with hospital PHOs and Quality initiatives enable us to consistently represent our clinic providers with hospital and hospital system expectations.
Hospital Based practices typically focus on census and analytics, with a focus on costs. University Based practices typically focus on revenue, since they are usually self-funded initiatives, being mindful of cost effectiveness in determining value, since they have budget requirements per Contract.